Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Coming Of Age

In any male blogger's blog-life, at some point he needs to take a stand. More specifically, it's pretty much a requirement that he weigh in on the cunnilingus debate. That's right, you heard me correctly. Dining at the Y, eating her cake, munching the carpet... pick your favorite euphemism. Before I started reading blogs, I had no idea there were any questions about such things. Apparently, though, there are plenty of guys all across the spectrum, from "no way, man -- that's disgusting" to "I do it for her, but don't necessarily enjoy it" to "sure, it's fun" or "I absolutely live for it. One of my favorite things."

I don't think it's really any big surprise to anyone her that I fall firmly in the last category. As I've said before, the female form is a work of art, and I like to appreciate it as fully as possible. With all five of my senses. Why limit things to just touch and sight? Taste, smell, and hearing are totally important, too.

And this particular act? Well it covers all the bases. I'm captivated by it. If I could quit my job and just fly south for the winter I'd be in heaven. I'm also a big fan of reactions. Every woman I've ever been with reacts in ways that are very different, when you look at the subtleties. How does she move her body when she's enjoying herself? What kind of sounds does she make? Does she look at me, close her eyes, roll them back into her head? Where are her hands? It's a very intimate experience, and every single person is unique in how they recieve, and it's the subtleties that really make them all so distinctly beautiful.

I've heard (or read) guys complain about the taste or smell, and I'm a little surprised by that. While there's been a time or two that I've run into a woman who's not as hygenic as most or possibly has some sort of medical malady that affects things for the worse, the vast majority of y'all are undeniably amazing. The smell and taste is something uniquely feminine, as are virtually all of the aforementioned reactions. To me, it's just one of the moments in life where we are boiled down to our respective male and female essences, and that's the only thing that matters for a while.

Like I said, I never really realized there was such a big disparity in how guys felt. I mean, I figured there were a few out there who didn't like it, but there are a few girls who don't give blowjobs, either -- it's hardly the norm. And to be completely honest, I feel a little sad for those people on both sides. They're missing out on some of life's greatest pleasures. It's like sex, but different, and I think oral time is the only scenario where you have such complete control of exactly what your partner is feeling. Intercourse feels great, but I doubt any of us have quite the same coordination with our naughty bits that we do with our mouths. We just use those a lot more.

And those who can't enjoy that? Well... they're missing out. Big time.


The Brooklyn Boy said...

Definitely a good call, sir. I also get a HUGE kick out of reactions. Giving good head is like playing cornerback - read and react. Finding out what makes a woman squirm with pleasure might could be my favorite part of the process.

J said...

Can I ask a question?

What was your impetus for writing this post? Are you trying to persuade guys who allegedly don't do it that they should? Or are you trying to convince girls that you're a giving date and therefore subtly work your way in there?

And if its the latter, does it really work for you?

Anonymous said...

what I don't get is the guys who refuse to give but expect to receive.

and I've gotta say, any of the "complaints" that men have? sometimes we women have the same complaints about you. no offense, but really? it's just part of how these things work.

also, it's nice to know that at least *some* guys have this perspective. i think it's a good one.

LMNt said...

Brooklyn Boy -- Bingo. Read and react.

PRSlave -- Unfortunately, dating/hooking up with someone who reads your blog about dating is a recipe for drama and/or repressed creativity. A friend asked me this morning if guys really enjoyed it or were just being nice, and my response prompted her to say "there's a blog post in this conversation for sure." So I guess the idea was "yes, Virginia, guys really do like to give, too." Reassurance. Some women are self concious about such things.

Foxy -- There are quite a few girls out there as well who don't like to give but expect to recieve. I think it's a red flag either way. And hopefully most people understand that the complainable things are just part of how it works sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I'm fortunate that my guy really does love going south. I love that he loves it, so it gets me more excited. On the other hand, I love reciprocating, so it works out well for him. All in all, it works out well.

Kat Wilder said...

Anyone who puts any kind of restriction on sex is missing out on something — even something like BDSM or anal sex.

From my experience, people who do that are either uncomfortable with their own body (and sexuality), and/or have a partner who's uncomfortable with his and/or have the wrong partner.

Not to say that we all have to go out and buy bondage ropes or nipple clips, but I think if you have a partner with whom you have a loving, communicative, intimate connection (and you have that with yourself as well) ... the sky's the limit.

Anonymous said...

BB - I associate the phrase "might could" with Southerners. Red confused.

LMNt - I've known at least one other who would get his mail there if possible. Good to know he's not the only one!

Anonymous said...

I hope you live forever and eat at the Y every night of it. Saw the reference on Wonkette and had to comment after I read your eloquent blog.

I know there are guys who don't like it... but I don't attract them!

- a new middle aged female fan in Vancouver.

Lemon Gloria said...

I just told The Director that Wonkette linked to this post. And he said, "How come? It's not like he went down on Hilary Clinton...did he?"

Unknown said...

I call bullshit.

I'm not saying you don't like it, even love it. But this post isn't a completely altruistic reassurance to frigid women everywhere. Somehow, somewhere, you think that this post will get you laid. And if it works, more power to you.

PS - I sent this to my mom and she wants your number....

Anonymous said...

I tend to assume that most guys fall into the "i'd do it for her, but don't really like it" category, which kind of takes the fun out of it for me. I can't enjoy something if my guy isn't having fun, too.

As far as I'm concerned, if you don't like it, then don't bother. We can tell, and it's not going to work - at least, not for me.

Also You'd be surprised at how UNcoordinated some guys are with their mouths.

SWF42 said...

I completely disagree with Kat, that if you rule out a particular sex act or two you're somehow uncomfortable about sex as a whole. You can have limits and preferences and still have great sex. There's absolutely nothing wrong with saying "I like this, I don't like that."

On to oral sex....

In my somewhat varied experience, there are three general types of men:

1. Men who don't like it and won't do it, and they're honest about it.

2. Men who are okay with it, if you ask for it, but they won't stay down there very long and they're not very good at it.

3. Men who love it, perform it enthusiastically and are very good at it.

The problem is that you can't tell who's a 2 and who's a 3 until you put them to work. Man No. 2 is usually the one advertising the most about how much he loves it and can't get enough of it and has hundreds of testimonials lined up. And then you find out his idea of 'great' is everything but.

I'm not saying that's you, LMNT. I'm just saying that a lot of women (me included) tend to hear guys talk like this and in our heads, we're thinking, "Yea, right."

It's that old story....the bad ones who do all the talking and bragging and then can't deliver ruin it for those of you who actually deliver on your promises.

LMNt said...

Beth -- Sounds like you guys have a pretty great bedroom life. I love it when it works out that way.

Kat -- There's definitely a lot to be said for being openminded.

Red -- Just tell me where to send the change of address form.

Anon -- Welcome. Take your coat off and stay awhile, k?

Lisa -- I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Jennifer -- Not my style. I'm kinda seeing somebody great at the moment, so I'm not really in a mood for fishing expeditions.

Dagny -- Uncoordinated mouths? Really? It's not exactly rocket science.

SWF41 -- I hope that's not me... I'll have to re-check my reviews. :-)