Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Cop, Bad Cop Fridays -- April 6, 2007

A Little Uncertain writes

"After 9 months together my girlfriend told me she needed space. She said she didn't know why but she wasn't happy and she needed time to figure out what wasn't working with us and how to fix it. We stopped getting together almost every day and went down to once or twice a week. That was about a month ago. After about two weeks she told me she wanted to see other people and now I hear through the grapevine that she's been hanging out with this other guy who used to be my friend. She always says she's too busy when I ask to see her and I don't know what to do. I love her and want to make things work. Bigger Bitch Than You and LMNtal, how do I get my happy girlfriend back and put our relationship on track again?"

Bigger Bitch says:

Dear A Little Uncertain:

"Uncertain"? Really? Sweetie. Let me ask you what you've been doing all this time? Crying? Calling your girlfriends and moaning about it? Sending the ex (we should call her that now) flowers and love letters. DUDE....she's DATING someone that USED to be your FRIEND. BIG RED LETTERS.

My advice is to give her all the space she wants (to the moon) and get yourself a life. Go out even if it's to the movies by yourself. Go on a trip. Go visit buddies from college or go back to the hometown (that'll make you thankful). And don't contact her. Yes, she's too busy...she's got a life!

If you still feel love sick (emphasis on sick) then make a calm, adult call to her and ask to discuss your feelings. Don't blabber or cry or beg for her back. If she wants you back, TRUST ME, she's going to make the effort. If she doesn't...then call me, I'll fix you. I am the best relationship Zambonie you'll ever find.

And as Cher said "SNAP OUT OF IT".

LMNt says:


Good grief!

See y'all next week! Have an excellent weekend, and don't forget to send in those questions.


I-66 said...

Even the most optimistic of optimists couldn't see this working out in the end.

Besides, why would you want the girl who would date a former friend of yours?

Unknown said...

agreed. she's just not that into you.

Belle said...

Oh yeah, the girl's signals are pretty clear in this situation. As much as it might suck, the sooner you accept it, the sooner you can start to move on.

Lemon Gloria said...

Yes, not a shred of hope. And I tend to be pretty optimistic for others.

SWF42 said...

I'm reminded of Jeff Foxworthy again.

"When someone tells you, 'I need some space,' that's only half a sentence. The rest of it is, 'Without you in it.' "