Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Two Things

Ok, I'm crazy slammed at work today, but there are a couple quick points I'd like to mention here.

First of all, the tragedy at Virginia Tech. My younger sister is a student there, and she lived in the dorm (on the same floor, in the same area) where the shooting started during her freshman year. Obviously, this hit a little close to home for me and I'm deeply sympathetic to all the people who are suffering because of it.

That said, DCWeddingPhotog has an excellent viewpoint that I can get behind a hundred and twenty percent. EVERY young American life is sacred, and every one we lose that could have been avoided somehow is awful.

The other interesting thing I read this week was an editorial on the way women look at their bodies and the quest for perfection. It's an excellent, thought-provoking read and I think every woman (and most guys) should read it and give the idea some consideration.

I'll be back tomorrow with a real post. Promise.


Mary Kate + Joe Battles said...

Thanks for mentioning me today, dude. I hope your sister is doing OK- your whole family must be hurting. I'll keep you all in my thoughts.

Carrie M said...

I'm also glad hear your sister is okay. My cousin is in that hall too, and thankfully is also fine.

As for your post, I have to comment. Pardon me if this comes off a little snippy, but here I go...I think the article a great one, and I wonder the same thing then secretly wonder if I can afford lipo. But I think this is interesting for you to post when you talk about how looks are important and how you've also said that it's not that hard to lose weight and in dating, you should put your best body forward; and disparaged the female muffin top.

I realize it's not necessarily fair to point that finger at you, but it was the first thing that popped into my head after I read the article after jumping from your blog.

minijonb said...

i've seen people in the blogosphere start some kind of solidarity thing with the Virginia Tech community for this Friday. wear marron and orange (VA Tech colors) that day.

Janet said...

thanks for the huffington link. I wish it weren't so true (likewise with the VT stuff, but that is a whole nother issue that I don't even know how to deal with)

Anonymous said...

carriem's got a point.

perhaps the difference is striving for perfection v. attractiveness?

personally, I blame barbie. and magazines. and men.

hastalvistababy said...

Why only "most" guys, not "all" guys?

And this statement in the article is pretty silly: "There is a plague afflicting woman across the country--one that doesn't discriminate by class, geography, or race. But finally it's being exposed."

Finally? "The Beauty Myth" came out centuries ago (I was still in college for Godssake, and I think we read that in one of the Women's studies classes I took - but it's so long ago, difficult for my feeble brain to recall :).

It is pretty sad though that the issues Wolfe talks about seem to have not changed or even grown since then. But if you want to read something really scary, check this out:

PS - Glad your sis is OK too :)

Anonymous said...

I somewhat agree with carrie m. All I could think about when reading that article is how men say they "like a little junk in the trunk" but what they really mean is: she should be thin, toned, and have a nice, round butt with no cellulite. Oh and long hair too. And no muffin top. And at least B-cups.

Come on, obviously there's a difference between striving for personal perfection, and striving for ribs to show. Men drive many of those perceptions.

hastalvistababy said...

Personally, I think (in this day and age) it can be driven by women almost as much as men. Example: if you saw the "Devil Wears Prada" movie, you may remember the "fat paratrooper" line. I also have a relative who works for Conde Nast and from what I hear those "clackers" are pretty bad. Men are also becoming more anorectic due to the unrealistic standards as well, so it really can go both ways.

*moosie* said...

I'm glad to hear that your sister is ok...I lived in that dorm my freshman year at Tech, too, and it's all so devastating. I haven't stopped crying since it happened, but I know we'll all be stronger for it.