Wednesday, December 27, 2006


...somehow I don't think this online dating site would attract the type of woman I like.

I mean, I'm pretty damn cute, and like most guys, am quite a fan of attractive women, but I have yet to meet an INTERESTING person who's number one trait is their looks. Not to mention, we get old, and old gets ugly. Personality, on the other hand, doesn't degrade over time.

What is this world coming to?


Kathryn Is So Over said...

It's totally going to be the Late Night Shots of dating.

minijonb said...

I've seen online dating sites like that before. They all die off sooner or later.

DCVita said...

Unfortunately this is what the world has come to! We have become so image focused that Britney Spears is actually mentioned on Primetime World News, right along with the war in Iraq and genocide in Darfur, etc. It is the cosmic balance of the universe!

LMNt said...

Kathryn & Minijonb -- agreed. Yuck!

DCVita -- The cosmic balance sucks, as do shallow people.

Ironically enough, the hot people (like they're looking for) who have even the slightest chance at being good quality dates wouldn't be interested.

Carrie M said...

i'd like to be a fly on the wall on some of those dates though - there is potential for serious hilarity. and vanity.