Friday, December 29, 2006

Shoop, Shoop... That's Where It Is

Kissing is an art form.

I mean, just about everybody kisses, and most people are pretty good at it, but how often do you meet someone who can make you feel like you've just been hit by lightning with just one? I'm a huge kissing fan, and I've kissed a lot of girls, but I can count the ones who really get it on one hand, with a couple fingers left over.

For some people, it's a style thing... everyone seems to have their own styles, and if you match up well, it can be pretty great. But that only goes so far, and I think it's much more applicable to good skills than to genius. The truly great ones just have it, no matter who they're kissing or what their style is -- it's innate. They somehow know exactly what to do, when, and how to do it without thinking about it. They listen to their partner's body on instinct and react without concious thought.

And if you're anything like me, how a person kisses is one of the major factors in deciding whether or not you want to sleep with them. Horrendous kissers tend to be pretty bad in the sack, while the really talented ones usually blow you away there, too. It's a much more accurate indicator than how well they dance or pretty much any other theory I've heard, mostly because the key concepts are the same -- paying attention to your partner, reading their signals, and using that information to put them through the roof.

So what do I like? Well, every mood is different. Sometimes soft and sweet really lights me up. Others times, it's primal, animalistic, and so powerful that you're more devouring each other than you are kissing. In general, like Crash Davis (Kevin Costner) in Bull Durham, "I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days." I believe in making out like horny teenagers. I believe in the power of that connection that makes everything else melt away. That stops time so that nothing matters but you, them, and the intermingling of your lips and/or tongue. Your hands on their face, in their hair, or maybe (if you're kissing me and I'm in that kinda mood) pinned to the wall they threw you up against or the bed they just carried you to.

Wow... I just got a little worked up there thinking about it. Deep breath.

While I generally put less than zero stock in things like horoscopes, I've definitely noticed an interesting statistical trend in how they relate to this particular skill. The best kissers I've had are virtually always Aries, Sagittarius, or Leo signs. Supposedly, those people are fiery and passionate (much like myself). On the other hand, there's an exception to every rule, and I recently met a Scorpio who made quite an impression. I honestly can't believe I even take note of it, but the correlation has been so ridiculously accurate that I actually find out (if I can) what a girl's sign is just to see if it still rings true. It usually does.

Much like my post about music, this is something I'd really like to expand on further, but there really aren't good words for it. Kissing is about emotion, passion, and sensations that, while one can attempt to describe them, really just don't quite fit right into the English language. You just know it when you feel it. Anyone else care to try?


Kathryn Is So Over said...

Too tough to put into words effectively. But I still remember good kissers from 10 years ago. They are few and far between, and they aren't always the ones who end up being your bf or gf.

Lucky for me, this time, that happened.

LMNt said...

Isn't it great when it works out that way? You're a lucky girl.

Carrie M said...

i think you've captured the essence of good kissing...i actually sighed after the whole throw-you-up-against-a-wall paragraph. i also agree with kathryn - you always remember the good kissers, no matter how long ago it was.

and btw - some of us capricorns know how to kiss...even if we are earth signs, we know how to throw down.

Unknown said...

You hit the nail right on the head. Fire signs and Scorpios are supposed to be the signs that are best in bed. This post made me nostalgic for a good makeout session.

LMNt said...

Carrie -- Really? I'll have to try one. ;-)

MM -- Like I said, I don't really put much value in astrology, it's just something I've noticed. Writing it got me pretty nostalgic for one, too.

Carrie M said...

even though *I* happen to be a capricorn, i can say that another cap i was with? best i ever had. that's the thing about us - you'd never suspect that we're like that, you just have to open the door. a little astrology tip. :-)

Freckled K said...

Kissing for me is 70% lips and 30% tongue. Too much tongue is a very bad thing. But tug at my lower lip as you we are pulling apart, and I'm smitten.

I'm a Cancer. I've had one of my best kisses from a fellow Cancer, and one of my worst from another. I don't buy into the Astrology stuff, unless it benefits me in some way :)

LMNt said...

Carrie -- isn't it interesting how everyone seems to think their sign is the best? I guess I'll just have to trust you on that one for now.

FreckledK -- I think those percentages are pretty dead on, and I love being on both ends of the lip thing. You must be one of the great ones.

NotCarrie said...

I know this is an old post, but I can't not comment. The 70/30 is so right on, but really, if I'm being thrown up against a wall, I don't care what he's doing, reow!