Thursday, January 18, 2007

Skin Deep?

This post comes with a warning label: The following essay is not politically correct. If you are easily offended, especially by harsh truths concering superficial topics like weight and/or physical appearance, you should not read it. Perhaps you'll find something more to your liking here.

There's a saying we've all heard about people that goes something like "it's what's on the inside that counts." When it comes to dating, though, it's only half true. While your personality is definitely the most important factor in building a good relationship, in the real world, your looks are what open the door to that possibility. Humans are visual creatures, and unless you've got something else going on like fame, money, power, or what have you, it's what's on the outside that people initially notice and use to make that first "would I or wouldn't I" decision.

Let me put this another way. Looks matter. They're very important. If you don't look your absolute best when you meet new people, you are most likely severely limiting your options in the dating world. If you're out of shape, overweight, poorly dressed, sloppy in the hygeine department, or have any other number of appearance related faux pas going on, you've got some work to do. And don't give me that crap about how they should like you for your personality, because, while you're right in the long-term view, you're not giving them any incentive to get to know what that personality's like in the short term.

Now that I've said that, I believe just about everyone can improve their natural look by at least two notches on the one-to-ten scale by making a little effort to look better. Some people need more work than others, but the only thing you can't improve with a little effort is the way your face is put together. If you're a five, you could be an seven (or better), a six can become an eight, and so on and so forth(keep in mind there's no such thing as a ten -- they only exist in movies, television, and magazines). So here's a few tips on what you can do to improve your chances with the opposite (or same, if that's how you work) sex.

For Guys:

- For chrissake, learn a little bit about fashion. I'm not saying you need to hold your breath at the newsstand for the latest issue of Vogue or watch Project Runway every week (although it's an awesome show that features sexy model chicks), but pick up an issue of GQ every few months or check out the back of Maxim sometime. Yes, the back... you know, the part that features guys in cool clothing instead of scantily clad women or snarky articles about high tech gadgetry? Check out what's in, figure out what styles best express your personality, and pick up a few similar things at Target or something. No need to break the bank to look good. Keep in mind, it's less about the pants and the shirt than it is the complimentary pieces. A cool blazer, interesting necklace, or a ring or two goes miles. Also, don't get designer jeans and a white button down with blue stripes. Your goal is to express your personality in a fun way and stand out from the sheeple. If you look just like them, you're doing it wrong. Having trouble? Lots of girls love to help a guy shop for cool clothes. If you have any questions, bring a female fashionista friend. Chances are, she'll not only be a huge help, but she'll have a blast doing it.

- Get a good pair of jeans. Maybe two. If you're a jeans and t-shirt guy (like I am 90% of the time), that's fine, but make sure the t-shirts fit and the jeans are bangin'. Again, you don't have to drop a couple hundred bucks on something designer -- mine are levis. Just check out all the different cuts and styles available, find the one that looks the best on you, and pick them up. Make sure you've got the right size, please. I don't want to know what your underwear looks like.

- Shoes. Women love shoes. Again, look at some magazines, find something you like in there, and go buy something similar. Classy shoes are a huge date-booster.

- Get yourself a sexy haircut that fits your face. If you know what that looks like, great! No big investment required here. Go to a good barbershop and have them do it. Then go back when it stops looking good, usually once a month or so. If you don't know what works for you, you're probably going to have to spend a bit more on the first one, with a little "Queer Eye style" help. Here's how you do it. Find a really high end fancy shmancy hair salon in the city. Visit long enough to figure out who the gay male hairdresser is. Make sure you get a gay one -- he'll be a lot more help than the straight guys. Don't worry, gay hairdressers usually fit the stereotypes pretty well, so he'll be easy to spot. Once you're in the chair, tell him you want the ladies to wet their pants when they see you and it's up to him to style your hair so that happens. This will be expensive, but when you're done, you can snap a picture and just take that with you to your favorite $8.00 barbershop from then on.

- If you're out of shape or overweight, learn a little bit about nutrition and get yourself a gym membership. Can't afford a gym? No sweat, there are plenty of ways to get a good workout without one. Run in your neighborhood or do step-ups on the stairs at home. It's not nearly as hard to lose weight or get into shape as most people like to make it seem -- when my metabolism kicked in, I woke up one day 30 lbs over where I should be, and I dropped it in a month and a half, even though I'd never picked up a weight in my life before that. People like to make it seem hard because it gives them an excuse to be lazy.

Men, I know you hear all the time that guys are visual creatures and women are more into what's on the inside, but it's crap. Trust me. I got a lot more popular once I learned these things, and you will too.

For Girls:

- I'm not going to talk to you about fashion... chances are, you get it better than I do, and if you don't you've got a friend who does. That said, please, for the love of god, wear clothes that fit. If you're sporting the muffin top or your ass grows two sizes when it's no longer restrained by your jeans, that's bad. If you're carrying a little extra weight, don't wear skintight tops -- I'm sure you've seen someone who's got her rolls hanging out, and it's not a pretty sight to us manly types, either. On the other hand, if you look like a high school goth girl with oversized clothing that hides your curves, you're wasting a precious asset. Bottom line, wear the right size for your body.

- Learn to put on makeup so that it appears you're not wearing any. It can definitely be done. I've known (and/or dated) several women who are masters at this. While most guys prefer the natural look, for about 60% or more of you (yes, I pulled that number out of my head -- best guess), the natural look is more flattering than completely natural.

- Keep your hair in good shape. Yes, most girls are pretty good at this one, but I'll mention it anyway. Wash it regularly, condition, and pick a style that works for you. I'll let you in on a little not-so-secret here: pretty much every guy I know prefers it long. If you cut it shorter than, say, your jawline, you're probably missing chances.

- Look up at the guy's list and read the one that starts with "if you're out of shape or overweight..."

It's no big secret that most guys want a hot girlfriend. The bigger secret is that almost every girl is fully capable of being hot girlfriend material. Try it out, and you'll probably be quite surprised that how men react to the new you.

I think deep down, there's a shallow part of all of us that really wants our significant other to be someone everyone else is jealous of and wishes they had. Looks, while by far not the only part, are a pretty darn big part of that.

Sound good? Anyone have anything to add? You know how to do it...

See y'all at happy hour. Oh, and don't forget to send your romantic dilemmas to lmntalattraction (at) gmail (dot) com.


I-66 said...

Right on.

The hair sticks out to me here. I prefer it shoulder length or longer, and anything shorter than chin length doesn't do it for me - and even chin length is pushing it. I've said things like that in the past and drawn the "long hair sucks to take care of" responses, to which I have been known to reply "short hair sucks to look at"

Anonymous said...

for a guy: "interesting necklace, or a ring or two goes miles."

ick. not for me.

Eric said...

It's pretty amazing how much better a person can look from just the slightest bit of effort. I think one the biggest problems guys seem to have is buying clothes that fit the way clothes are suppossed to fit. It's always either way to baggy or way to tight, and you either end up looking like a slob or a douche.

Pagan Marbury said...

I loathe the expression "politically correct" but to me this post was not-insensitive. Good points all of them.

But as for the short hair, there are exceptions. My hair is short, blond, and face framing. I get tons of attention from men, and women stop me in the street to find out where I go (George at the Four Seasons). My long seductive bangs are just as cool as a stripper mane, and I can work it just as hard.

Guys always want you run your hair up and down their body, and I can do that. I just can't wrap it around your dick, and really, what's the point?

You were right when you said it was about a good cut that flatters you.

Kathryn Is So Over said...

The "rolls" thing is the hardest one. Women really hate to admit they need the next size up. They are SO sure they'll lose that weight any second. But buying another size is something only you know you've done. Wearing too-small clothes is something everyone sees. And pities.

East Coast Teacher said...

Might I also add, for both men and women alike, taking care of your teeth.

You mentioned personal hygiene and I feel that this behavior is very important.

I went on a date with a guy whose teeth - I noticed during dinner - looked like they either had food stuck in them or had a black coloring to them.

This was not attractive! There was not a second date.

If you love kissing (and who doesn't?) - and getting beyond that - for the love of all that is holy, brush and floss, please!

And I agree - this post was not insensitive in the least. While I don't expect my next boyfriend to look like Tom Brady (though it would be a huge bonus!), he needs to put effort into his appearance in order for me to want to get beyond Date 1.

Given my track record lately, the men in the Northeast need to read your post. Either that, or I need to move where the men are listening to these common sense requests.

I agree with your comments to the women, as well. Many of my friends, while in long term relationships, would tell me about hanging around in sweats and not showering on the weekends, and giving up on shaving their legs for weeks on end.

I could never understand this way of thinking. Sure, you've got a steady boyfriend - he's seen you looking top-notch, as well as with bed head and smeared make-up. It happens.

But to keep that type of appearance up - presumably following the rationale, "Well, I've got the guy already, so what's the point?" - could very well work against you.

Just as women want their men to be looking put together, the same goes for them. Never once did I skimp on my beauty routine while in a steady relationship - rather I loved getting dressed up and looking beautiful for my man. And on the flip side, loved it when he did the same for me.

As a single girl, I continue to enjoy wearing nice outfits, complimented by fresh makeup and a carefree hairstyle...which is why I can't understand where all the great men are!

LMNT, if you know of any who are looking for new surroundings, send them up to Boston :)

Unknown said...

I agree completely with this. No one wants to date a sloppy fug fatty. People should always try to look their best, whether it be to attract a mate or simply to boost their confidence. Almost everyone can be attractive.

LMNt said...

I-66 -- You have excellent taste in women's hair.

Etcetera -- I'm not pro-metrosexual, just throwing out options for personalizing things. Accessories can make or break a "going out" outfit at times.

Eric -- I agree completely. Fit is probably the most important clothing related consideration

Pagan -- I'm not sure... you might have to prove it to me. ;-)

Kathryn -- ...and gets nauseous from. Yuck!

Miss Browneyedgirlie -- Wow... That's a lot to respond to, but good points.

MM -- Thanks, doll. :-)

Freckled K said...

I agree with etcetera re: men's jewelry. For me, it's a no-no. What's attractive to some is not always attractive to others. Tomato, tomahto.

Regarding the Natural Look: I read something once where they showed men three different pictures of the same woman. Pic #1 - no makeup, Pic #2 - Mascara and Lip Gloss, Pic #3 - the works. 2% picked #1, 10% picked #2, the remainder picked #3.

Although the makeup application of the woman in pic #3 was the heaviest in application, I doubt that the men realized how much makeup she was actually wearing. Done right, you can wear an entire cosmetics line on your face and look as if you were born looking that way.

The Urban Urchins said...

Generally all good points. But I'm with Pagan on the hair thing. I'm petite, with delicate features and very fine blonde hair that is cut in a very feminine way. comes to my jawline. When its long it has NO body, no style, just hangs there, no movement and does not show off my best features--cheekbones, eyes, jawline.

Every woman I know, all (gay) men and a few straight men prefer me with stylish, short-ish hair. When I lived in Europe, most women over a certain age (30 or so) had shorter, chic hair. But almost every man I've dated sooner or later wants me to grow it out. Believe me, I'd love to have long pretty hair, but it doesn't happen. I start to grow it, it looks like crap, split ends, dull, no style--no matter the cut....I actually get more attention wtih short hair, but when I'm dating someone, they want me to grow it out.

brings up another question: pants versus skirts. men? does it really matter if she's well dressed, fashionable, in shape?

Mary Kate + Joe Battles said...

I'm not a big makeup girl, but I do wear the basics. It's amazing what a little bit can do.

And I'm all for metrosexuals, but when they have on more accesories than I do, I seriously worry.

Anonymous said...

the natural look is more flattering than completely natural.


Yes yes yes! Thank you for that.

Anonymous said...

Good post. I think most people can pick up a few tips here. I want to look my best and feel my best when meeting a potential mate, so should they. It's only fair. ;)

Anonymous said...

The long hair thing is a bitch, me in short hair was awesome, I had bonestructure, and my smallish close-set eyes were visible. Now I have long hair, for the whole girlfriend thing (I ended up with my husband about 6 months into it-he does not like short hair) and it's ALWAYS in a bun or ponytail. I think it's just the IDEA of long hair that guys like.
Many people (men and women) in my life still ask about the short hair. I miss it, and think about it. Mainly because I was cuter. And I dressed more girly and wore more makeup then too. With long hair I am Ms Chapstick and Clean Eyebrows.

NotCarrie said...

Great stuff here that I completely agree with. And really, it's not about trying to be something you're not, right? It's about being what you are in the best way possible. (Does that make ANY sense? I'm tired.)

And I guess I'll keep growing my hair out (It was chin length about a year it's well past my shoulders.)

I get kind of annoyed when guys are anti-clothes. I don't expect someone to be all GQ if they're not into it, but a little effort to find flattering clothes would be nice.

Asian Mistress said...

I have had both short hair and long hair (by short I mean shoulder length or a little above)...and finally I took a poll of my guy friends and they ALL said they liked long - here I am. Although I got compliments on being able to do both short and long hair, I enjoy longer more now. Even if I do look younger with it. I do think that some girls can really pull of short hair, just not this one!

As for wearing too small clothes...anytime I'm out and don't feel at my best, I always know, there will always be someone bigger than me, wearing something smaller. It's true. (Not that it makes it better)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to respond to the pants vs. skirts comment. Skirts all the way. They don't even have to be particularly short. It's a psychological thing, I think. When us guys look at your legs, the skirt signifies potential access. I'm not saying that pants are never hot. Just that skirts are hotter. I know some women will say that they don't want to wear a skirt when it's cold out, but I see many women with the skirt/black tights/boots look who look awesome and seem to be doing OK with it.